Stage 1 Breast Cancer Survivors Story in Fredericksburg, VA

Breast Cancer Survivors Story: Meet Susan Colbow of Fredericksburg, VA.

stage 1 breast cancer survivors in VASusan Colbow (pictured) was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer during her annual mammogram.  Dr. Mark Macedon, her radiation oncologist, at Mary Washington Hospital in Fredericksburg, VA, suggested that she was  eligible for AccuBoost; a breast conservation therapy available to early-stage breast cancer patients. Susan was a candidate for 5-day or 10-day Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI). She opted to treat her breast cancer in 5-days.

Here’s what Susan had to say about her AccuBoost radiation therapy:

“In 2015, I was diagnosed with a very early-stage breast cancer.  Following my lumpectomy, the radiation oncologist [Dr. Macedon] suggested that I was a good candidate for AccuBoost.

My cancer site had been very close to the chest wall, by directly targeting the site [with AccuBoost], it lessened the chance for radiation to impact my heart and lungs.

The added convenience that it was all done in 5-days was a bonus. I worked at my job each day between treatments and had no downtime.

I am grateful that [AccuBoost] was an option for me!

Learn more about AccuBoost’s non-invasive breast cancer treatment and speak with a breast cancer doctor at Mary Washington Healthcare today.

Download the AccuBoost Brochure of Patient Benefits

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