Stage 1 Breast Cancer Survivor in Lake Wales, FL
Breast Cancer Survivor Story: Meet Beverly of Lake Wales, Fl.
Beverly was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer discovered during her annual mammogram. Beverly’s radiation oncologist was Dr. David Graham M.D. at Central Florida Cancer Institute in Davenport, FL.
Beverly was kind enough to share her journey with breast cancer and her experience with AccuBoost.
“I Just had my last AccuBoost treatment today. I was expecting an uncomfortable experience but it was not, at least for me.”
Please describe the AccuBoost treatment:
“It was a total of 45 minutes from the time I signed in to the time I was done. The actual treatment lasted approximately 15 minutes.
Two quick X-rays were taken each day. One while the breast was…in the machine in a vertical position and one was taken in a lateral position prior to the actual treatment. The [AccuBoost] device is very similar to the mammogram machine and this allows the radiation to be directed right at the tumor. I have not had any side effects so far.”
I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Ductal Carcinoma Triple Negative [Breast Cancer]. I have been through Chemo, a Lumpectomy and now radiation. I started my regular radiation 5 days prior to the AccuBoost treatments. Now that I’m done with AccuBoost I will go back for the regular radiation for 20 additional treatments.
All of my tests have come back negative for cancer to date. It seems redundant that I have to receive so much radiation but it is to make sure that nothing is remaining that is unseen to the naked eye. I can so appreciate that and I pray that I will have a complete recovery. I continue to stay positive and have put this in the hands of our gracious Lord Jesus.