Press Release: AccuBoost Announces Recent Brachytherapy Journal Publication

AccuBoost®, the innovator for non-invasive partial breast brachytherapy, is pleased to embrace a recent study published in the journal, Brachytherapy. The article, entitled “The rationale, technique, and feasibility of partial breast irradiation using noninvasive image-guided breast brachytherapy”, describes both the methods and initial results of the study. The article’s lead author, Jarek Hepel, MD, observes that the NIBB technique is a feasible and attractive substitute for invasive APBI procedures. He concludes that the procedure is well tolerated by patients and is convenient for the schedule of the radiation oncology facilities that offer the procedure.
For more information on treatments utilizing AccuBoost applicators, visit the recently updated website For a copy of the publication, visit the Brachytherapy journal website and search for [Brachytherapy, 13 ( 2014) 493-201].