Phase II Trial of APBI Using Noninvasive Image-Guided Breast Brachytherapy (NIBB)

Jaroslaw T. Hepel, MD,*,y Kara L. Leonard, MD,*,y Sandra Sha, MD,z Theresa A. Graves, MD, x Doreen L. Wiggins, MD,x Dean Mastras, MD, k Ann Pittier, MD, k Brown University Oncology Research Group, { and David E. Wazer, MD*,y

*Department of Radiation Oncology, Rhode Island Hospital, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island; y Department of Radiation Oncology, Tufts Medical Center, Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts; z Department of Radiation Oncology, Watson Clinic, Lakeland, Florida; x Department of Surgery, Rhode Island Hospital, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island; k Department of Radiation Oncology, Tacoma Valley Radiation, Tacoma, Washington; and { Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island

Dr. Hepel phase II APBI publication

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