Breast Cancer Radiation Treatment Available in Minnesota
Willmar Regional Cancer Center becomes the first cancer center in Minnesota to offer this non-invasive breast cancer radiation treatment.
Willmar Regional Cancer Center (WRCC) recently renamed Carris Health Cancer Center (CHCC) has completed the installation of a new breast cancer radiation therapy technology known as “AccuBoost”. This unique technology provides advanced targeting options for the radiation oncologist to identify the target tissue and deliver a localized, conformal radiation field while, at the same time, sparing stray radiation from healthy organs such as the heart, lungs and skin.

Dr. Tod Speer
Under the guidance of Dr. Tod Speer, radiation oncologist, CHCC has continued to expand the advanced technologies it offers its patients. According to Dr. Speer, “We are thrilled to be able to offer AccuBoost to our patients diagnosed with breast cancer as the technology further enhances our already formidable capabilities. I am excited to offer this image-guided therapy to our early-stage breast cancer patients who opt for Breast Conserving Therapy (BCT) as I can confidently target the cancer bed without delivering substantial dose to the surrounding healthy tissues”. CHCC is the first facility in Minnesota to offer this proven breast cancer radiation technique. The first breast cancer patient treatments began in December.
Read the entire press release here.
Learn more about Carris Health Cancer Center here.