Varian Webinar:
Implementation of a Non-Invasive Breast Brachytherapy (NIBB) APBI Program
To view a recording of the AccuBoost brachytherapy webinar click here.
Varian Medical Systems will be hosting a webinar on the implementation of Non-Invasive Breast Brachytherapy APBI program, on April 15 at 11 AM EDT. The clinical presentations will be delivered by two well recognized experts of breast brachytherapy, John Chinault, M.D. and physicist Per Halvorsen. Doctors Chinault and Halvorsen will go through “best practices” for the delivery of non-invasive APBI brachytherapy.

John Chinault, M.D.
Medical Director/Radiation Oncologist
Mary Washington Healthcare

Per Halvorsen
Chief Physicist, Radiation Oncology
Lahey Clinic
Sign-up for the APBI Brachytherapy webinar in conjugation with Varian has expired. Click the link to watch the webinar recording here.
To learn more on how to implement a non-invasive APBI brachytherapy program at your center, contact our team.