Varian Brachytherapy Webinar

Varian Webinar:
Non-Invasive Breast Brachytherapy – A Clinical Update
In an effort to help invigorate the brachytherapy market, we are pleased to announce that Varian Medical Systems will be hosting a webinar on Non-Invasive Breast Brachytherapy, also known as AccuBoost®, on April 29 at 2 pm EDT.
This clinical presentation will be delivered by two well recognized experts of breast brachytherapy, Dr. Douglas Arthur and Dr. Jaroslaw Hepel.

Douglas Arthur, M.D.
Chief of Radiation Oncology
Massey Cancer Center
Virginia Commonwealth University

Jaroslaw Hepel, M.D.
Radiation Oncologist and Associate Professor
Rhode Island Hospital & Tufts University School of Medicine
Together, Drs. Arthur and Hepel will review the latest clinical data related to the delivery of NIBB for both Boost and APBI.
Registration for this webinar is over.
Click the link for more on the AccuBoost Technique.