Breast Cancer Survivor Story in Georgia
Breast Cancer Survivor Story: Meet Peggy from Georgia

Breast Cancer Survivor
Peggy A. was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer after doctors saw an anomaly on her annual mammogram. Peggy opted for breast conservation therapy (BCT) and was a candidate for AccuBoost. A non-invasive breast brachytherapy treatment. Her radiation treatments were delivered by Dr. Quinn at Oconee Cancer Care in Greensboro, GA.
Here’s what Peggy had to say about her AccuBoost breast cancer treatment:
“I made a decision outside my doctor’s office before I got my diagnosis. The only thing I could control from that point was my attitude and my future health. So, I turned everything over to the Good Lord and my doctors. I never fretted about my surgery, chemo, or radiation, especially since I seemed to be surrounded by such caring “medical angels” at every turn. I took it all in stride and tried to find humor at the strangest and sometimes most awkward times – like when I had my first AccuBoost treatment. I noticed immediately I was the only one wearing a robe with an exposed breast. There were two Radiation Techs, two AccuBoost reps, two Radiation trainees, the doctor and me! Quite an experience for someone who had been modest her whole life. But, by the time you get to radiation you get used to some things.”
“I’m so grateful for the wonderful doctors and the fantastic [breast cancer] treatment I received right here in my backyard.”
“From that point on, I kidded them on future visits that I’d put on my robe while they gathered up a crowd! I guess when you really think about it, breast cancer is cancer of a fairly non-essential body part. I didn’t love that little machine at first, but I’m so grateful for the fantastic treatment I received. When people ask me about my whole cancer experience I tell them that I believe Life sometimes takes us down a path that we would never choose to go, but I have received so many blessings in this journey.”
Peggy leads the cancer support group located in Lake Oconee at Oconee Cancer Care Auditorium. “I’ve crossed paths with some wonderful people (some brilliant) that I would never have met, and now I even have a group of new “breast friends”. I’ve also been leading our local cancer support group. One thing I have tried to do is thank every single doctor for choosing their field and I always say God Bless whoever sent you to college. We all need to pray for these doctors, nurses, radiation technicians, and staff members every single day because they bless us all.”