The Features of AccuBoost
The Features of AccuBoost are Focused on Patients with Early-Stage Breast Cancer
As a targeted approach to the delivery of either the boost to the tumor bed or definitive 5-10 day treatment– also known as APBI, the AccuBoost Technique has a number of attractive features.

Superior real-time mammographic images for excellent targeting:
Real-time mammographic images allow the radiation oncologist the ability to accurately locate the target area with confidence in every treatment session.

Non-Invasive, yet conformal brachytherapy dose:
The applicators have undergone extensive testing with excellent quality control to consistently and reliably deliver the dose.

Sparing dose to the heart and lungs:
The shielded AccuBoost Applicators allow delivery of the full dose to the target tissue while attenuating dose to healthy tissue, the heart, lungs, and contralateral breast.

Flexible schedule:
The AccuBoost Technique allows substantial schedule flexibility as Boost dose can be delivered prior to, during or after WBI. For APBI, treatment is typically offered on a once-a-day or twice-a-day format over 5 or 10 days.

Multi-function single platform:
- Imaging (mammography imaging to identify the tumor bed)
- Immobilization (to minimize breast motion during treatment)
- Treatment – an immobilized breast allows the option of minimal margins and smaller treatment volumes
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“The benefit [of AccuBoost] is that we can assure the accuracy of boost dose on a daily basis. The daily procedure takes about 20-25 minutes.”