AccuBoost for Boost
AccuBoost for Boost
Boost (a part of the “Traditional” WBI radiation therapy approach) is a critical component in the radiation therapy portion of Breast Conservation Therapy (BCT).
For the ‘Boost” dose portion of WBI, the radiation oncologist targets radiation specifically in the area that surrounded the original site where the cancer was detected and removed (lumpectomy cavity). With the AccuBoost Technique, the radiation oncologist relies on the image of the breast each and every day to target the treatment on what they see in that image, providing great confidence that they are treating the tissue at risk.
With this process, the breast is immobilized during treatment, lessening the uncertainty in targeting that may occur when the breast, or the patient, could move.
Schedule Flexibility
Depending on the patient and clinic schedules, the Boost dose could be delivered before, during or after the WBI therapy.

Enhanced Targeting
Immobilizing the breast in this non-invasive approach, allows your radiation oncologist to identify the target precisely with high confidence and a lesser amount of breast tissue being treated. Using daily mammographic images provides radiation oncologists excellent visualization for targeting the dose.

Sparing Dose To Healthy Tissues
Rather than delivering radiation directed towards the chest wall as is typical for traditional electron Boost (so-called “en face”), in the AccuBoost approach, the dose is delivered parallel to the chest wall. When this treatment approach is combined with an immobilized breast and multiple radiation fields, the dose to neighboring organs like the heart, lungs, skin and chest wall is reduced.