Breast Cancer Survivor Story in Lincoln, Nebraska

Breast Cancer Survivor Story: Meet Margaret Berry of Lincoln, Nebraska


Margaret Berry


Margaret is a self-employed artist from Lincoln, Nebraska. She has a lively personality with a contagious, enthusiasm for life. Her love of art and her talent as an artist has touched many lives. In speaking with Margaret, it is clear she has a strong devotion to the people and community her art has brought to her.


Artwork by Margaret Berry

Art by Artist Margaret Berry

In 2016 when Margaret went for her annual mammogram, she felt a thickening in her breast that concerned her. Nothing was seen at that time. The thickening turned into a lump, and when Margaret went back for another mammogram, an abnormality was seen. After having a biopsy, Margaret was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Fortunately, her cancer was detected early.

Margaret received her radiation treatment at Saint Elizabeth’s Medical Center in Lincoln, NE under the care of Dr. Kevin Yiee. While discussing her options for treatment, Dr. Yiee told Margaret about AccuBoost. She was encouraged when he told her that the AccuBoost targeted treatment delivery would reduce the risk of a recurrence. Margaret said that to her “AccuBoost was an added insurance against the cancer coming back.” She said, “It was also comforting to learn that AccuBoost minimized radiation to my skin, heart, and lungs.”

Margaret Berry Nebraska Artist

Artwork by Margaret Berry

When asked about her experience during treatment Margaret said that it was calming to listen to TED talks on her iPad. They helped keep her relaxed and in a positive place. Another thing that helped Margaret was her treatment team at Saint Elizabeth’s. She specifically recognized Dr. Yiee and Mashala, the therapist, and the entire treatment team, and said, “They truly made me feel special and cared for. It was as if I was home and they were family.”




You can learn more about Margaret & her beautiful art below:

Instagram: MargaretBerryArt

FB: Margaret Berry Art

Twitter: HotWaxCoolArt

“No pain. I didn’t have pain through any of it. It was a little uncomfortable in the machine. Recovery was so fast!”

Margaret Ann Kinder

Retired Teacher and Breast Cancer Survivor

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